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8 years old pt. Had trauma to 8 presented after 30 minute of injury He had crown fracture with incipient pulp exposure what u do:

Irrigation solution for RCT ,when there is infection and draining from the canal is:

Doing CANTILEVERS, we consider all of the following EXCEPT:

In onlay, stopping of cusp is 1.5-2 m.m:


Patient came to dentist after previous stressful procedure complaining of burning & discomfort of his lip on examination u found lesions on the palate, diagnosis is:

The inferior alveolar nerve is branch of:

Root most commonly pushed in max sinus :

Surgery for ridges aim to:

The narrowest canal found in a three root maxillary first molar is the:

The choice of local anesthesia depend on:

A child at dentation age is suffering from:

Follow up of RCT after 3 years , RC failed best treatment is to:

The optic foramen canal is a part of:

Actual destruction of the micro organism in root canal attributed mainly to:

Head and neck nevi with multi lesion is:

Clinical failure of the amalgam restoration usually occurs from :

Component of Gutta percha:

Pain of short duration with hot and cold :

Which is contraindicated to the general anaesthia:


Patient came to your clinic complaining of pain, upon examination you can’t find a clue. What’s the next logical step to do in investigation

Transverse fracture of developing teeth in the mixed dentition can be managed by:

How can you prevent dental hyper sensitivity:

Most difficult of extract:

During examination 34 show gingival recession buccally, the least correct reason is:

The most common endodontic cyst is:

To locate the canal orifice use :

Spontaneous pulpal pain is indicative of:

Reciprocal arm in RPD help to resist the force applied by which parts:

Color Stability is better in:

Caries consist of:


Father for child 12 year pt <asked you about ,the age for the amalgam restoration of his child ,you tell him:

Laser core can be used in curing of composite:

DNA only infect human but RNA doesn't infect human:


Which of the following would be clinically un acceptable as a primary of isolating a tooth for sealant placement:

Which are the ways in which the proximal contacts can be checked?

Factor interfere with healing:

The aim of treatment maintenance is:

When extracting all max teeth the correct order is:

The maximum dose of X‐ray exposure dose for radiographic technique:

Silane coupling agent:

Over extended GP should remove using:


After completion of orthodontic treatment he came complaining of pain in 11 tooth radiograph show absorption in the middle third of the root of 11 wt is the proper management:

For etching 15 sec, for composite restoration use:

Bonding agent for enamel we use:

Which statement concerning sensitive teeth is false:

Treatment of gingival trauma from faulty oral hygiene is mainly:

Post fracture decrease with:

Best media for the avulsed tooth:

Sharping of hand instrument mounted air driven better than unmounted due to :


Child came to the clinic with amalgam restoration fracture at isthmus portion, this fracture due to:

Periodontally involved root surface must be root planed to:

Among the reasons that molar teeth are more difficult to treat endodontically than anterior teeth:

Removal of Undermined Enamel in Class II cavity is done by :

After class V GI restoration removal of a thin flush of GI is done by:

Examination of Pt health by the dentist:


Pt have denture, after 5 year he complain of ulcer and inflammation in lower buccal vestibule. wt is the Dx:

Child with anodontia and loss of body hair, the diagnosis is:

Polyvinyl siloxanes compared with polysulfide:

The PH of the calcium hydroxide is:

Hyperemia result in:


The average distance between the lingual surface of the maxillary anterior teeth and the buccal surface of the mandibular anterior teeth is:


The nerve which supply the tongue and may be anesthetized during nerve block injection:

Fluoride is not taken up systemically from which of the following sources:

Old pt came to replace all old amalgam filling he had sever occlusal attriation the best replacement is:

The most common activity associated with percutaneous injury of the dentist is:

Autoclaving technique is depending on:

Small access opening in upper centeral incisor lead to:

Mechanochemical prep'n during RCT main aim:

Clinical failure of the amalgam restoration usually occurs from:

The Most common odontogenic cysts in the jaws are:

In inflamed muocosa due to wearing denture to when do new denture :

When removing moist carious dentin which exposes the pulp, dentist should:

After class V GI restoration removal of a thin flush of GI is done by:

For root canal treated tooth u choose to put post & amalgam this depend on :

Master cone doesn't reach the apex :

Irrigant that kills  foecalis :


Masseter muscle extends from lower of border zygomatic arch to lateral border of ramus and angel mandible.

The powder for GI cement contain:

In clinical research:

Most commonly, after placement of amalgam restoration PT. Complain from pain with:

Toothgerm of primary teeth arise from:

The most common location of percutaneous injury among dentist is:

Most common site of squamous cell carcinoma:

Patient with 5 years old denture has a severe gag reflex , upon history he says he had the same symptoms in the first few days of the denture delievery and it went all alone :

Which type of burs is the least in heat generation:

Which scalpel below is universally used for oral surgical procedures?

Primary malignant melanoma of the oral mucosa:

The most common form of oral ulcerative disease is:

Pulp with age:

Hypersensitivity is due to:

AH26 is root canal sealer consist of:

In recording man‐max relation,the best material used without producing pressure is :

Properties of ideal endo obturation material are all EXCEPT:

Which of the following spaces are bilaterally involved in Ludwig's angina?


Soft palate falls abruptly facilitate recording post dam, falls gradually make recording post dam difficult :


A restoration of anterior teeth with RCT, abraded incisal edge & small M&D caries is by:

Endocrine and exocrine gland :


Bass brushing has the advantage of the bristles enters in the cervical area , and it is recommended for all patients:

Pit &fissure least effective with:

The cause of fracture in amalgam class II restoration is:

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