RED OMAN PROMETRIC PRACTICE 1 STUDY MODE Welcome to OMAN PROMETRIC PRACTICE 1 STUDY MODE Study mode allow you to attend the question without any time limitation. If you want to know the correct answer please move your mouse point at the hint notification Please click on the Next Button to Start the Exam Name Business Email Phone Number 1. Common complication after abdominal surgery? deep vein thrombosis hemorrhage pain infection Hint 2. Diet pattern for GERD? small Frequent diet continous diet intermittent diet regular diet Hint 3. During post operative period , after craniotomy the patient seems breathlessness priority action ? administer iv fluids maintain neutral position of head and neck elevate the head of the bed monitor cardiopulmonary status Hint 4. Most common position used for a client with DVT? semifowlers position trendelenberg position supine with leg elevation left sims position Hint 5. After 2 nd post operative mastectomy, the patiernt develops lymphedema, what is the appropriate position is to be initiated ? elevating the hands above the heart and the shoulder level abducting the arms extending the arms bent towards the body Hint 6. After ileostomy, which type of stool pattern would the nurse expect ? mushy stools semimushy stools semi solid stools watery liquid stools Hint 7. The most prompt postion for self enema administration? supine position left lateral position prone postion lithotomy position Hint 8. A baby presents with acrocyanosis, the APGAR score rating is done and is 7 in 5 minutes. The vitals are shown temperature=36.8c,pulse =<120/mt,respiration 47/mt,BP=90/50mmhg,baby seems breathlessness ,what APGAR score rating indicated ? no depression mild respiratory compromise moderate respiratory depression healthy infant Hint 9. The route of administering nitroglycerin? sublingual oral intathecal buccal Hint 10. Exact site of brachial vein ? antecubital space popliteal space intercostal calf region Hint 11. 8 yr old baby present with sickle cell disease, complaints with painful swelling of hands and feet, profound anemia and pallor. most prority nursing diagnosis to be included in care plan is acute pain related to sickling ineffective tissue perfusion related to vaso occlusive crisis disturbed sleep pattern related to pain impaired mobility due to inflammatuon of hand and feet Hint 12. The most common side effect of SETRALINE agitation diarrhea tachypnea insomnia Hint 13. a patient is on immediate post operative unit after CABG. what is the most priority nursing care? • administer oxygen • check vitals • assess acute pain • early ampulation Hint 14. A CHN visit a home to saw stroke patient, nurse identify the patient chokes while eating, the nurse referred the client to which therapist? • speech therapist • physical therapist • neurological therapist • dietician therapist Hint 15. what is the highest priority nursing care for an neonate in NICU? • monitor temperature • hand hygiene • monitor blood glucose level • promote breast feeding ,rooming in Hint 16. A patient is on immediate postoperative period after craniotomy,b with iv infusion of morphine sulfate 2ml/hr patient vitals shows in the cardiac monitor is RR=6b/mt spo2=90% what is the first priority to administer? • nalaxone • flumazenil • midazolam • ondanestron Hint 17. A new born is admitted in NICU with RDS . APGAR score show 7 out of 10 at 1minute and 8 out of 10 at 5 minutes. now newborn is stable, decreased retraction, spo2 =95% RR=44/mt. what is the next priority intervention? • enhance attachment • allow visitors • maintain body temperature • provide rooming in Hint 18. a patient admitted with tympanic injury and an intact stapes. which surgical intervention is performed for this patient? • myringioplasty • fenestration with cavum minor • myringiotomy • myringiotomy with stapedopexy Hint 19. physician prescription reads 5ml po TID P.C, Means the nurse should administer? • before meals • after meals • with meals • between meals Hint 20. D5NS Is named as which type of solution ? • hypertonic • hypotonic • isotonic • normotonic Hint 21. picture of palm and fingers are shown below. from the following fingers palm and hand is placed in • abduction and adduction of palms and fingers • extension and flexion of hands and palms • abduction of arms • supination and pronation of palms Hint 22. following picture shows which reflex? (mother is changing the equilibrium of neonte) moro reflex Babinski reflex galent reflex fencing reflex Hint 23. decreasd deep tendon reflex is a sign of • lithium toxicity • magnesium toxicity • digoxin toxicity • phenytoin toxicity Hint 24. ECG shows,ST elevation ,tall peaked ,T wave,widened QRS complex and prolonged PR interval • hypokalemia • hyperkalemia • hyponatremia • hyper magnesium Hint 25. S1 heart sound is more prominent in • apex • base • midsternal border • right sternal border Hint 26. antidote of warfarin • streptokinase • aminocaproic acid • vitamin k • protamine sulfate Hint You are only allowed 1 try and have already submitted your quiz. Time's up Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.