RED SAUDI PROMETRIC PRACTICE 1 STUDY MODE Welcome to Prometric Exam .................. Name Business Email Phone Number 1. A patient complains of right eye redness and itching, the doctor advice to apply Atropine eye drops for the patient to examine the eyes. The nurse should instil the eye drops into ou au os od Hint 2. An elderly patient with pneumonia may appear with which of the following symptoms first confusion fever and dyspnea hemoptysis restlessness Hint 3. The term "blue bloater" refers to what? emphysema bronchitis pneumonia brochiectasis Hint 4. The nurse is suctioning via tracheostomy tube, while suctioning the nurse should limits up to 10 sec 30sec 1min 1 hour Hint 5. The priroity intervention for the client with MI administer oxygen mrophine sublingual nitroglycerin obtain ECG Hint 6. Toxicity from which medication cause the green halos around the light digoxin lithium theophylline phenytoin Hint 7. ECG shows, prominent" U "wave it shows hyponatremia hyperkalemia hypokalemia hypernatremia Hint 8. a 45 year old male patient admitted with the complaints of severe sweating,chest pain, palpitation and tachycardia, as a part of the pain relief measures NTG was ordered. patient asked the nurse that for which reason the medication is given to increase blood presure to relieve palpitation to relieve chest poain to increase heart rate Hint 9. A client with congestive heart failure recieves digoxin 0.5 mg orally . what is the action of digoxin? to increase preload to decrease preload and afterload to decrease the oxygen consumption and pain to decrese the workload of the heart Hint 10. A patient is admitted with fatique, physician ordered CBC. the RBC shows Hypochromic microcytic character. which most important additional symptom the nurse identified with that patient? cold claamy skin, tachycardia and pallor bradycardia, hypotension and muscle pain nausea ,vomiting and abdominal pain chest pain, purpura and heart murmers Hint 11. child has burns. wha t is the nursing intervention to prevent aspiration for this child child putting sit at all the times keep the baby with head elevation 40-60 after feeding keep in ventilator place in prone Hint 12. A man has been experiencing Night blindness. which vitamin could be deficent in ? vitamin A vitamin c cyanocobalamin vitamin B6 Hint 13. nurse is assessing the patient recieving Chemotherapy, during asessment patient didnot complete the meal, half of the meal remains on the plate. why the patient didnt complete the food fatique alter taste perceptions abdominal fullness mouth ulcers Hint 14. A 6 month old baby admitted with the complaints of severe dyspnea, bluish discolouration of the body, chest xay shows boot shaped heart which position is best provided recumbet position knee chest position reverse trendelenberg position prone position Hint 15. A patient is consulted in casuality with complaints of breathlessness . patient states that he cannot able to sleep for 2 days due to extreme difficulty in breathing. the patient shows orthopnea dyspnea apnea cyanosis Hint 16. patient shifted to PACU after Nephrectomy, during the immediate POP the nurse should monitor for bleeding urine output breathing pattern pain Hint 17. After a gastric surgery, patient frequently ask for food. as a priority, what the nurse should intervene first? gag reflex vital signs infection temperature Hint 18. ECG SHOWS wide" QRS "COMPLEX and absent" P "wave ventricular tachycardia atrial fibrillation asystole sinus tachycardia Hint 19. which observation by the nurse would evaluate the understanding of kaposi sarcoma in HIV patient? red purple macule all over the body macule rashes o face butterfly rashes on cheek bullae formation Hint 20. A 32 year old male client admitted with complaints of self loathing reckless behavior, irritability, loss of interest, and insomnia. from this following response the nurse should suspect for delusion of grandiosity depression mania OCD Hint 21. To maintain the client safety, which equipment should be readily available when inserting a orogastric tube suction eqiupment Levin tube emesis basin salem sump tube Hint 22. A 30 year old female patient was admitted in the emergency department with the complaints of chest pain, swelling, dyspnea and tachycardia. physician ordered IV morphine the nurse suspects that it dereases the heart rate reduces BP increases workload and preload decreases myocardial oxygen consumption Hint 23. The stage of dying according to the Kubler ross DABDA REEDA ABCD ONAM Hint 24. A 42 year old client is in a lower body cast following a motor vehicle accident, in order to minimize the musle strength loss while in the cast, the nurse will instruct the client in the performance of isometric excercise pasive range of motion excercises assistive active range of motion excercises resistive range of motion excercises Hint 25. Drug of choice for acute rheumatic fever benzathine pencillin amoxicillin tetracyclin vancomycin Hint 26. A patient admitted with right hemisphere CVA., a nurses notes that patient didn't comb the left side and neglect the left sided area. how the nurse should give the care? place all objects in the right side place and arrange all objects in left side provide assistance reassurance Hint 27. drug of choice used to treat amnesia? benzodiazepines barbiturates COMT inhibitors leukotreine modifiers Hint 28. antidote of warfarin ? protamine vitamin k charcol naloxone Hint 29. which lab value should be monitor for a patient recieving warfarin ? PT/INR HbA1C cbc pcv Hint 30. while reviewing the stres management technique with a patient diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, what would the nurse identified as most appropriate ? relaxing in a warm bubble bath yoga in cool room sun bathing cross country running Hint 31. when caring for a client with ostomy the nurse knows that extra skin protection for the skin is most important for those patients with ileostomy ascending colostomy transverse colostomy sigmoid colostomy Hint 32. A nurse calls toghether an interdisciplinary team with the members from medical,socialservice, the clergy, and the nutritional services to care for a patient with a terrminal illness? palliative curative respite preventive Hint 33. a nurse is caring a client for a postoperative patient who is on subcutaneous low dose heparin. when administering an injection on the abdomen, the nurse avoids the umblicus area because of the possibility of entering a large blood vessles infection hematoma delay absorbtion Hint 34. A nurse is caring for child who is post tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. the nurse should plan to assess which of the following complications? pulmonary hypertension hemorrhage hearing loss corpulmonale Hint 35. The nurse should understand that one dose of which of the following vaccination is recommended for this patients before the age of 65 years? varicella influenca hepatitis B pneumococcal Hint 36. a patient had underwent CABG 2 days before, while ambulating suddenly feel chest pain, what the nurse should perform immediately resrict the client to perform the activity by advising the client to sit advice to ignore the pain notify HCP and ignore the cause of pain continue ambulation Hint 37. In CPR how many chest compression are given? 30:2 15;2 30;1 40;2 Hint 38. what precautions are needed for clostridium associated infections? gloves and mask Hint 39. A patient newly admitted with the complaints of DM. while health educating the client what is the long term control for diabetes? insulin excercise diet OHA Hint 40. Antidote of hypertensive crisis romazicon flumazenil calcium edetate phentolamine Hint 41. A client admitted with the complains of hypokalemia, hypernatremia, polyuria and polydipsia. on assessment the client weight was increased . the lab values shows increased aldosterone level and diagnosed as hyperaldosteronism ,which additional findings the nurse should expect from the following statements? metablic alkalosis metabolic acidosis hypotension bradycardia Hint 42. A 8 yr old baby presents with abdominal pain, headache, and she was a known case of addisons disease. while collecting the history it reveals that the baby misses the dose of prednisone 10 mg and she had an fever 3 days ago. while educating the parents which essential information that the nurse need to convey to the parents need to increase the dose during stress or infection take double dose on all days only take the medicine if stress occurs withhold before and during the surgery Hint 43. cystic fibrosis means auto immune disorder autosomal recessive disorder hereditary disorder metabolic disorder Hint 44. from the following statements identify cyanotic heart defects TRICUSPID ATRESIA ASD PDA TOF Hint 45. A patient has a central linbe catheter and is recieving a parentral nutrition that contains glucose, proteins, and lipids. this pump is set to deliver the infusion over a 12 hour period ,REafter how many hours the IV administration to be reset? 12 hours 24hours 48hours 72 hours Hint 46. An iv administration of fluid will be given to patient, 30ml of urine excreated with in ? 2hrs 4hrs 6hrs 8hrs You are only allowed 1 try and have already submitted your quiz. Time's up Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.