DEMO DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN SM EXAM Welcome to DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN EXAM STUDY MODE Study mode allow you to attend the question without any time limitation. If you want to know the correct answer please move your mouse point at the hint notification Please click on the Next Button to Start the Exam 1. Of the following, which is considered a category of kidney disease? Chronic Both A and C Totally reversible Acute Hint 2. There have been many changes made in nephrology nursing since the 1960’s. Which of the following associations changed in 1983 to focus on the efforts and resources of the RN in field of nephrology? None of the above ANNA AANNT ASAIO Hint 3. Of the following, which would be considered a cause for hypertension during hemodialysis? Both A and B Fluid overload Anxiety Dry skin Hint 4. If a patient is experiencing a high phosphorus level, the technician/LPN can share which of the following tips for controlling their phosphorus with them? All of the above Follow a diet that is low in phosphorus Check food labels for phosphorus content. Do not skip or shorten dialysis treatments. Hint 5. A bone which has very little or no metabolic activity would be considered which of the following? Osteitis fibrosa Osteoporosis Osteomalacia Adynamic bone Hint 6. Of the following, which would indicate something is “too low?” Hypo Mini Hyper Semi Hint 7. Of the following, which would be considered correct for how blood flow is determined in the patient’s body? The resistance the blood meets in the blood vessels. The amount of blood that is delivered by the heart All of the above The pressure of the blood that is delivered by the heart Hint 8. Which of the following dialysis machine UF controls would use sensors to help control the flow rate of the dialysate? Volumetric systems Detector systems None of the above Flow control Hint 9. If a dialysis patient is subjected to high levels of chloramines, it can potentially cause all of the following except? Hemolysis Methemoglobinemia Lymphoma Hemolytic anemia Hint 10. Which of the following is considered to be the most abundant organic waste and is freely filtered by the glomerulus in the kidneys? Potassium Creatinine Urea Protein Hint 11. If the acute kidney failure patient has a urine volume of less than 400ml/day, they would be considered in which of these phases? Diuretic Oliguric Convalescent Interrenal Hint 12. Which of the following alarms should the hemodialysis delivery system go into bypass for? Wrong conductivity Wrong pH Wrong temperature All of the above Hint 13. Symptoms of pyelonephritis might include all of the following except? Fever Hypotension Costovertebral angle tenderness Flank pain Hint 14. If the hemodialysis patient appears to be experiencing a Type A dialyzer reaction, which of the following interventions might be considered correct? Obtain blood cultures. None of the above Application of heat to the muscle group. If the symptoms are severe, stop the dialysis without reinfusing the patient’s blood Hint 15. The hemodialysis prescription for the patient is ordered by the physician and should include all except which of the following? Medications Anticoagulation Dialyzer Insurance coverage Hint Be sure to click Submit Exam to see your results! Time's up Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.