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‘’The   first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught’’, everything is learned

-Sri. Aurobindo

The legacy of Be Max Academy has been progressing for over 9 years. We, BeMaxians have packed syllabus and style to crack the competitive and qualifying exams like DHA, HAAD, PROMETRIC and other language test like IELTS and OET.

We, in Bemax Kottarakkara branch, is continuing our voyage by ensuring 100% result for our students with the following strategy. Mainly, it is pivotal to understand the importance of grammar in learning IELTS along with other modules. 3 hours grammar in a week help students to broaden their horizon. Moreover, we celebrate different weeks for giving more priority for each module in one month.6 hours of class for each module in a week enable the aspirants to clear their exams with flying colors. Along with that, Speak-Easy program organized weekly help students to develop fluency in speaking. Ultimately, we Be Max stands with you in your voyage to accomplish your goals.

I believe with right strategy and guidance; everyone can get a higher band score in writing. Mainly, IELTS writing has 2 tasks which need to be completed within 60 minutes.

For General Training: Task 1 is Letter in various form

  1. Formal letter: to an unknown person or authority (use salutation Dear Sir/Madam, signoff with ‘yours faithfully’ and the information should be conveyed in a formal way).
  1. Semi-formal letter: to a person whose name you know (use Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. Along with family name, signoff with ‘yours sincerely’. All the information should be conveyed in a formal way).
  • Informal Letter: to close friends or relatives (use Dear (name) and signoff with ‘With Love/lots of love’…can use informal language).For Academic writing Task 1: elaborating, comparing and giving relevant information about a picture or a can be in various form:
    1. Line Graph
    2. Bar Graph
    • Pie Chart
    1. Table
    2. Map
    3. Life cycle

    Structure for Academic writing task I

    • Introduction: Question Paraphrasing
    • Overview: include relevant information given in chart (highest, lowest, sudden increase or decrease, similarities, exceptions)
    • Body paragraph 1 & 2: need to elaborate the graph given with values As we obtain information from the chart, we are not supposed to write any personal opinion. Writing the details in appropriate tense and grammar is really essential. Importantly, we can spend around 20 minutes for task I. Either we can start with task 1, which will give a mental satisfaction and confidence that you can finish the entire task in prescribed period or do it later by giving more importance to task II. Even though task II has double weightage, task I should not be excluded.
      The main method to finish everything in a prescribed time, here comes the importance of planning. I always instruct my students to prepare likeWriting something in the given time is not at all an efficient way to get a good band score, it requires enough plan to execute the thoughts and to connect. Along with planning, proof reading places a vital role, by doing so, we can rectify some of the mistakes which we made during writing.

    Types of Tasks II

    Two-sided essay:  Discuss both views and give your opinion

    Causes and solutions/ effects

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Do the merits outweigh demerits?

    One sided Essay:  Agree or disagree

    To what extend do you agree or disagree

    Positive or negative development


    We follow 4 paragraph structure to help students to complete their task without any hassle.

    • Introduction: It should contain general statement followed by question paraphrasing and thesis.
    • Body paragraph 1& 2: Contain the main idea to be conveyed. Include connectors, points, justification along with relevant examples in your personal knowledge and experience. Give a very small conclusion to end each paragraph.
    • Conclusion: Indirect stating of question, answers and thesis.For the questions which are two-sided, both the paragraphs should contain different ideas in bp1 and bp2 with or without opinion (give opinion only when it is asked), whereas in one-sided, stick on to one opinion except for to what extend you agree or disagree.If you plan and achieve the task given with appropriate lexical resources with wide range of grammar & accuracy, with legible writing, without any memorized words or phrases, within the word limit and time, you’re almost there…