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Embarking on the IELTS journey is a significant step toward your dreams of studying or relocating overseas. While the IELTS exam is designed to evaluate your language proficiency, many students find themselves making recurring mistakes that can impact their scores. As you know any exam will have faults, but a student can easily overcome them if they recognize them early and begin to correct them. The IELTS Exam is similar in this regard. In the IELTS exam, the majority of pupils make the same mistakes over and again, regretting it later. However, you should pay additional attention to these common IELTS test inaccuracies because even one band below the required score might ruin your ambition of studying or relocating overseas. Here in Bemax Academy when a candidate approach us for IELTS coaching , we conduct IELTS Mock tests with the coaching to identify the candidate’s positive and negatives to make a customized coaching plan for the students.

This article is targeted at all hopefuls who want to discover their most frequent IELTS test errors and take steps to improve them. For better IELTS test scores, consider them and steer clear of them.


Let’s now talk about the main mistakes that people make when taking the IELTS modules for writing, speaking, reading, and listening.



  • Not adhering to the required word count
  • Over exceeding the limit of word count
  • Excessive use of connectors
  • Distracting from the primary subject
  • Not addressing every significant aspect of the query
  1. Not adhering to the required word count

The word count for the IELTS Writing Test problems varies. It is crucial that you follow the word limit when completing these exercises. IELTS test takers frequently forget to count their words after finishing a task, which is another typical error. The word count is carefully adhered to the IELTS writing tasks. You must write 150 words for IELTS Writing Task 1 and 250 words for IELTS Writing Task 2, respectively.

It is highly advised that you count the words so that, should they be less than their requirements, you may add more information right away. You won’t lose points for assignment completion if you do it this way. Make sure to count your words after completing a task because the length of these activities matters a lot.


  1. Over exceeding the limit of word count

IELTS test takers frequently exceed the word limit, which is another typical error. Most IELTS test participants have the mistaken belief that writing longer essays will increase their marks.

Why should you try to stay within the word limit?

There is a potential that you will make mistakes when writing a lengthy essay because of the increase in the quantity of words and sentences. Additionally, it is a clear contravention of the guidelines. Yes, it is okay to use more than 30 words. However, going above 100 words is considered to have violated the instruction. Your score is affected by this. As a result, it is now necessary to dispel this myth.


  1. Excessive use of connectors

Coherence and cohesion are two crucial factors that determine how well your IELTS exam, specifically the Essay Writing Task, is scored. What is the best approach to show off your coherence and cohesion skills when completing the IELTS tasks?

Is it by employing an increasing number of conjunctions?

If the answer is YES, you must address the issue. Cut back on the overuse of conjunctions. Unfortunately, one of the most frequent errors in the IELTS is this one. The majority of test-takers aren’t extremely fluent in the language, so they try to fill in the blanks with fillers or linking words. The examiner can take bands away because this is a crucial factor in determining an IELTS score because they can see through this.


  1. Distracting from the primary subject

Frequently, the candidate for the IELTS Writing task does not comprehend the topic. In these circumstances, people become agitated and change the subject. In the IELTS Test, if the task veers off course or is about the incorrect subject, there won’t be any points awarded. No matter how eloquently you express your thoughts and work, it won’t be taken into consideration.


  1. Not addressing every significant aspect of the query

It is the most crucial component of the IELTS exam. Just now, we talked about how crucial it is to stay on topic. In a same vein, it’s crucial to address every essential issue raised in the task.IELTS test candidates frequently make this error, thinking that they can get by with just covering the other points. That is not the case, though. Read the supplied directions thoroughly, being sure to pay attention to all the important details.


  • Reading for extended periods of time
  • Casually looking over the questions
  • Presenting two solutions
  • Assuming the answers
  • An ineffective use of time
  1. Reading for extended periods of time

It is crucial to read the question first and then scan the passage for similar information before reading the portion that relates to the question in order to avoid making this error. Why? IELTS Reading is a time-constrained test, so you won’t have much time to read everything.


Therefore, while you’re at it, read the heading to have a better idea of what the comprehension is about. then quickly read and comprehend the query. Use the content terms to quickly scan the passage for similar information by running your eyes over it or skimming it. After finding it, carefully read that section of the text to determine the right response.


  1. Casually looking over the questions

It is crucial that you take the time to carefully read, comprehend, and analyse the question. The question is the key to the answer since you must frequently match the passage’s material with that of the question’s question statement, therefore you must completely comprehend what the question is asking. Quantitative terms like “some,” “all,” and “many” are some that significantly alter meaning.


  1. Presenting two solutions

Sometimes, in our haste to attain a high score, we choose two likely answers rather than one, but since IELTS does not offer half marks, both answers are deemed incorrect, and you receive a zero for that question.


Therefore, avoid providing two responses and settle on one in uncertain situations. This is where the procedure of elimination, or the practise of eliminating the alternative with the least likelihood first, is helpful. The IELTS Listening test is no different in this regard.


  1. Assuming the answers

This is usually true for Yes/No/Not Given and True/False/Not Given question types. We frequently have a tendency to base decisions on facts that our brains can infer.


As a result, Not Given statements are frequently marked as False. Keep in mind that a statement must contain the opposite information in order to be false.


  1. An ineffective use of time

Quite against the popular belief of alloting 20 minutes for each of the three sections in the IELTS Reading test, allot 15 minutes for the first section, 20 minutes for the second section and 25 minutes for the third section


Why? The first segment should take the least amount of time and the last section should take the most because the difficulty level increases as you progress through the test.



  • Blindly hearing the audio
  • Prediction of answers
  • Neglecting the given instructions
  • Making grammatical and spelling errors
  • Providing No Responses
  1. Blindly hearing the audio

Not understanding the objective or subject of the audio is one of the most frequent errors made on the IELTS Listening section. Before you even start, it is highly recommended that you comprehend the context of the audio and the knowledge you will learn from it. This will assist you in finding the solutions in a more effective and methodical way. You must also carefully read the instructions, search for hints, and establish the context of the audio that you will listen to. Additionally, it’s crucial to read the questions in advance of your IELTS Listening test because doing so will make it simpler for you to identify the right answers as you listen to the audio.


  1. Prediction of answers

Highlight the words that can aid in your answer prediction. Just keep in mind that the IELTS Listening recording contains all the answers. Pay close attention to the employed keywords, synonyms, and paraphrases. There may be a clue in that section of the audio to your question. Therefore, refrain from making predictions in order to determine the right response.


  1. Neglecting the given instructions

Candidates must always follow a set of guidelines when taking the IELTS Listening Test. The IELTS Listening Test instructions must be followed. Write your responses after carefully reading the directions and the questions.


As an illustration, the guidelines stated, “Answer in No More Than Two Words.” Then, you have to write one or two words, whatever is required. Even if your response only contains three words, you will not receive credit.


  1. Making grammatical and spelling errors

In the IELTS Listening test, any word spelled improperly will receive a failing grade. Additionally, you’ll lose points if you misspell any of the locations, cities, nations, or addresses stated in the audio. Grammar errors are taken into account while marking your responses.


It will cost you points if, for instance, you wrote “St. Pters Street” when “St. Peter Street” was the correct response. Therefore, avoid making these typical IELTS Listening errors.


  1. Providing No Responses

There is no kind of deduction on the IELTS Listening module for wrong answers. So, if you’re unsure of the response, you can speculate. There are two justifications for doing so:


If you leave the response blank on the IELTS Listening test, you do not lose any points.

If you leave a blank spot, you can later mistakenly write the correct response there. You might get into problems for this.

Therefore, it is preferable to guess than to leave blank spaces on the IELTS Listening response sheet.



  • Attempting to memorize responses
  • Lack of confidence and loudness
  • Getting off-topic
  • Not providing enough explanations
  • Usage of the same words or phrases repeatedly
  1. Attempting to memorise responses

Although it could be beneficial to memorise answers for writing exams, this is regrettably not the case for the IELTS speaking test.


You’ll need to reply accurately, swiftly, and spontaneously because you’ll be communicating with a real-time human examiner. As a result, it would be clear if you were trying to regurgitate an answer from memory because your response wouldn’t flow naturally.


  1. Lack of confidence and loudness

It’s normal for you to feel anxious throughout your test. You are not expected to speak like a news anchor during your IELTS interview. Mumbling and avoiding eye contact, though, won’t help your situation.


It is beneficial to speak to your examiner as you would a friend or coworker, periodically smile, and be sure to make eye contact.


  1. Getting off topic

Sometimes it might be simple to get off subject, especially when you lose track of the query or response without fully understanding it. Unfortunately, talking more does not always result into getting more credit. In fact, you risk losing points for coherence if your response doesn’t directly address the topic.


Think for a bit about whether you actually comprehend the question before responding. You can ask the examiner to repeat a question or have them review your answers if you need more clarification.


  1. Not providing enough explanations

While talking more isn’t always a good thing, not talking enough can also be problematic. After all, you wouldn’t get the chance to demonstrate your fluency and competence if you said too little or merely replied with “yes” or “no.”


You’ll receive specific instructions on how long to speak for each section of the test so you can get a solid idea before responding. Depending on the question, you will typically need to provide an answer in the range of two to six sentences.


  1. Usage of the same words or phrases repeatedly

Using the same words or phrases repeatedly will not help you to perform well on your test because it suggests that your speaking vocabulary is small. Expanding your vocabulary or learning additional synonyms might help you describe the same items or events in a variety of ways. Hence, creative communication.

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