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Score Good in OET 2020 – Know More

Occupational English Test(OET) is accepted by the Nursing and midwifery council UK from 1 November 2017.
Now, medical Professional including Doctors,Nurses and Midwives can work in the UK after taking an English language
test designed specifically for healthcare professionals.

Accepted score of OET for Nurses:

Recent changes happened in the language requirements, Nuersing and Midwifery Council (NMC) now accepts a required
score in each areas of reading , writing , Listening and Speaking.For Ireland , C+ is the least score to be attained for Listening,
and Reading. B is required for Writing and Speaking. Test scores are valid for two years. A candidate should
achieve minimum of C+ in writing and atleast B grade in Listening,reading and speaking.

Combination of results in OET:

A Candidate can achieve the required score across two sittings within Six months. Clubbing is only acceptable for nurses, not for Doctors.
All four sections need to be attended at the same time (for the UK). Clubbing is not accepted in Ireland.
All grades in both sitting are above C+.
