GENERAL PRACTITIONER EXAM STUDY MODE Welcome to Online EXAM Practice STUDY MODE Study mode allow you to attend the question without any time limitation. If you want to know the correct answer please move your mouse point at the hint notification Please click on the Next Button to Start the Exam 1. 27 yrs old female with perianal pain for 4 days tender erythematous fluctuating : evac & drain Sitz bath local CS Abx Hint 2. 48 year-old male complaining of lower back pain with morning stiffness for 30 minutes only. On exam he was having spasm centrally on the lower back. What is the appropriate management : Facet lysis Epidural steroids injection Back brace Physiotherapy Hint 3. Female with recently inserted IUCD coming with watery brownish vaginal discharge & abdominal pain what is the most likely Dx : Ovarian torsion Uterine rupture Ectopic pregnancy Bacterial vaginosis Hint 4. Child was presented by congested throat , coryza , high grade fever , which of the following is true regarding this condition: Bacterial > viral. Viral > bacterial It is most likely due to EBV Antibiotics should be given any way Hint 5. Which of the following is true regarding infertility : It is Failure to conceive withing 6 months . (1 year) It could be due to high prolactln levels Only diagnosed by HSG . (need full lab & imaging Investigations) Male factor > female factors . (the reverse) Rare to be due anovulotlon . (common) Hint 6. Chronic Diarrhea is a feature of: HyperCalcemia HypoMagnesemia HyperNatremia Metabolic Alkalosis Hint 7. Mother complains of sharp pain on radial styloid when carrying her baby. The pain increase with extension of the thumb against resistance, Finkelstein test was positive, Dx : Osteoarthritis of radial styloid De Quervain Tenosynovltls Hint 8. Gardener has recurrent conjunctivitis. He can't avoid exposure to environment. In order to decrease the symptoms in the evening, GP should advise him to: Eye irrigation With Vinegar Solution Cold compression Contact lenses Antihistamines Hint 9. 60 ylo male Dx to have acute pancreatitis ( there was values for ranson criteria that I couldn't memorize ) what is the appropriate nutrition : Naso-jujenal tube Regular diet With low sugar TPN High protein ,high ca , low sugar Hint 10. Proven to prevent some cancers: Folic Acid Ca Vit.D Hint 11. Old man, post OR, Complains of unilateral face swelling : Sjorjan syndrome Salivary gland tumor Salivary gland stone Sarcoidosis Hint 12. Which the following is the commonest complication of patient with chronic atrial fibrillation : Sudden death Cerebra vascular accidents Hint 13. Female with Hx of It flank pain radiating to groin , symptoms of UTI & N+V what is OX: Appendicitis Renal colic Diverteculitis Hint 14. Child starts to smile : at birth 2month 1 month Hint 15. Adult polycystic kidney disease is inherited as: X linked Autosomal dominant Autosomal recessive Hint Be sure to click Submit Exam to see your results! Time's up