GENERAL PRACTITIONER EXAM STUDY MODE Welcome to Online EXAM Practice STUDY MODE Study mode allow you to attend the question without any time limitation. If you want to know the correct answer please move your mouse point at the hint notification Please click on the Next Button to Start the Exam 1. Most effective measure to prevent spread of infection among health care workers & pts in a nursery : wear gown and gloves before entering the nursery wash hand befor and after examining each pt wear shoe cover Hint 2. A child is complaining of severe headache which is unilateral, throbbing and aggravated by light, diagnosis is : Cluster Headache Stress Headache Migraine Hint 3. Pt with thyroid mass , firm ,2x2 cm what is most appropriate for Dx : Neck US FNA Neck CT Surgery Hint 4. Which of the following is true regarding crohns disease : Mainly Involve the recto sigmoid area Partial thickness Involvement Continuous area of inflammation Fistula formation Hint 5. Elderly male patient underwent colectomy for colon cancer in which micrometastais was detected in the lymph nodes , what is the best explaniation : Liver metastasis It is sensitive to chemotherapy . (Dukes class C cancer best for chemotherapy) Good prognosis It is locally advanced Hint 6. Maximum spinal height is reached after menarche by how many years ? Months Three years Two years Hint 7. Ptwith have Polyuria and thirst, he had Hx of bipolar on lithium, Dx: central Diabetes Insipidus Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Hint 8. Pregnant woman with symptoms of hyperthyroidism , TSH low : Propylthyiouracil Radio-active iodine Partial thyroidectomy Hint 9. Target HbA1c is less than : B.8 C 9 A. 6.6 Hint 10. True about systolic hypertension: More serious than diastolic hypertension systolic>140 and diastolic <90 could be caused by mitral Regurg Hint 11. Patient serology showed antibodies to the surface antigen for hepatitis B , what is your diagnosis : Highly infective Previous Infection or immunization Chronic camer Hint 12. Patient underwent abdominal surgery due to intestinal perforation many years back , presented by abdominal pain , distension , constipation , what is the best investigation in this case : Ultrasound Barium enema Small bowel barium study Hint 13. Patient was presented by tremor , fever , palpitation , diagnosed as case of hyperthyroidism , what is your initial treatment : Radio iodine Beta blockers Propylthioracil Surgery Hint 14. At what level LP done: L5-S1 L3-L4 L2-L3 Hint 15. Pt with hx of 5 yrs HTN on thiazide, came to ER midnight screaming holding his Ltfoot, ole ptafebrile,Lt foot tender erythema, swollen big toe most tender and painful, no other joint involvement : septic arthritis gouty arthritis cellulitis Hint Be sure to click Submit Exam to see your results! Time's up