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Nursing is one of the in-demand professions throughout the world. If an individual wants to practice as a licensed nurse, they need to obtain a license from the appropriate government body. Each country has its on sets of exams .National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCLEX_RN) Dubai Health Authority (DHA) Health Authority of Abudhabi (HAAD) Prometric (Saudi Arabia, Qatar) MOH (Bahrain,UAE) are examples of licencing exams conducted by different countries.

Licencing exams are designed to determine if the candidate possess the minimum level of knowledge necessary to practice the profession safely and effectively. Questions of these exams are organized along 4 major client needs.

1. Safe and Effective Care Environment

• Topics include
• Advocacy
• Advanced directives
• Case management
• Client Right
• Collaboration with other members of Health team
• Confidentiality
• Establishing priorities in client care
• Ethical principles and practice
• Informed consent
• Legal issues
• Legal safeguards
• Organ donation

2. Safety and Infection control

• Accident / Injury prevention
• Emergency response plan
• Infection control
• Incidence reports
• Standard precautions & transmission based precautions
• Use of restraints

3. Health Promotion and Maintenance

• Ante /Intra & post pastum care and new born care
• Growth and development
• Aging
• Disease prevention
• High risk behaviors
• Psychosocial integrity

Defense mechanisms, therapeutic communication ,crisis intervention, Grief & Loss, End of life

4. Physiological integrity

Includes basic care and comfort. Nutrition, hydration, mobility, Assistive devices Pharmacological and parenteral therapies
Drugs: Action, Adverse reactions, contraindicutra, Dosage calculations. Iv flow rates. i/v therapy
Alteration in body system
Fluid electrolyte balance Acid-base balance.



Preparation for Licensing exams can produce a great deal of anxiety in the candidates.

1. The first step in your pathway to success is to begin with a strong determination that you will Succeed.

2. Re establish your base knowledge by reviewing the contents. Take an exam preparation course to fully overview every bodysystem Choosing the right institution matters a lot. Over 8 years Bemax group of institutions with its 6 branches prepared thousands of nurses to fulfil their dream to be a registered Nurse in different countries. Theory classes on each body systems are provided both online and offline. Every candidate gets maximum learning experience by visualising the topics through images, mnemonics to memorise the contents and through study tips. Candidates are provided with an application with Study materials, video classes and practice questions. Students are able to improve the level of knowledge through the application on their own convenient time.

3. Take as many practice test as possible [Question Practice] Licensure examinations test the application and analysis using nursing knowledge you learned.
You will be tested how you can use critical thinking skills to make nursing judgements.

Avoid answering questions based on your personal experience during your clinical practice. Key principles which will help you to answer the questions correctly include
• Establish priority
• Promote safety
• Use ABC
• Use steps of Nursing Process
• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
• Give priority to actual problems

Review and answer lots & lots of practice questions. As you answer more questions correctly, your confidence level also will increase. Bemax Academy provides Special Question practice sessions everyday. Students are prepared to develop critical thinking skills though question practice classes. In addition mock tests are conducted weekly as preparation for final exam including time management

Fulfil your dream through BEMAX Academy.

“Good luck to all Aspirants”

Geetha Sanu
Nurse Trainer
Bemax academy.
