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OET or Occupational English Test is used to evaluate the linguistic skills of healthcare professionals for the purpose of registration and practicing in an English Speaking environment. It provides a justifiable assessment of all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking in relation to the communication procedures in healthcare environment.

The aim of the test is to make sure that the candidate has the ability to communicate with patients, colleagues, doctors etc. and thereby ensures the smooth functioning of the healthcare facility. The health professionals from the following categories are assessed under OET:

  • Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacy
  • Veterinary Science
  • Dietetics
  • Optometry
  • Radiography
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech Pathology
  • Podiatry

Listening, reading, writing and speaking skills of the candidate are analyzed in the test. A minimum of grade B is needed in each skill to be accepted by various professional boards. There is a sub-test for each skill area. The Listening and Reading sub-texts are common to all professions and are intended to evaluate the candidate on his/her ability to understand spoken and written English in circumstances connected to general health and medicine.

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