PHARMACIST EXAM MODE Welcome to PHARMACIST EXAM EXAM MODE Exam mode Enhance you to attend the Questions with a time limit. At the end of the exam you will get the result and you can review the correct answers Please click on the Next Button to Start the Exam Name Business Email Phone Number 1. The following are quinolone antibiotic EXCEPT : Ciprofloxacin Azithromycin Nalidixic acid Enoxacin Norfloxacin 2. Praziquantel is : Antihistaminic Bronchodilator Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug Antibiotic None of the above 3. Which of the following diuretic may cause hyperkalemia : Fuoresmide Chlorothalidone Amiloride Bumetanide Acetazolamide 4. One of these drugs is potentially harmful when taken with OTC drugs without medical consultation : captopril gemifibrozil paracetamol warfarin amiloride 5. There is contraindication in taking potassium contacting preparation with these cases EXCEPT : Renal disease Using ACE inhibitor Hypertension Using potassium diuretic Muscle spasm 6. For metabolic acidosis one of these is given : Sodium chloride Sodium bicarbonate Calcium carbonate Potassium bicarbonate Magnesium sulphate 7. The dose of paracetamol for 3 month children to one year old child is : 120 – 250 mg / 4-6 hours daily 250 – 500 mg / 4-6 hours daily 60 – 120 mg / 4-6 hours daily 20 – 60 mg / 4-6 hours daily 500 – 1000 mg / 4-6 hours daily 8. Concerning levodopa all of the following statement are correct EXCEPT : Is a precursor of dopamine Does not cross the blood brain barrier Causes increase dopamine output in parkinsonian brain Is only effective in the prescience of dopamine producing neuron It combined with carbidopa 9. Claims for new drugs for hypertension concentrate on : Ability to lower blood pressure within shorter time Ability to lower high readings of blood pressure Ability to cause less rebound hypertension Ability to control blood pressure around the clock none of the above 10. All of these are fibrinolytic drugs EXCEPT : Dipyridamole Streptokinase Urokinase Anistrplase Alteplase 11. Which of the following statement concerning thyroid hormone is correct : vital for normal growth and development vital for normal body temperature play an important role in energy metabolism both a and b all of the above 12. All of these statement are true for amantadine EXCEPT : trade name is symmetrel used in parkinsonism antiviral used in prophylaxis of influenza A virus used in prophylaxis of influenza B virus 13. Which one of the following is NOT corticosteroid : triamiinolone ondasetron budesonide beclomethasone betamethasone 14. The following are adverse effect of insulin EXCEPT : hypoglycemia fluid retention hyperglycemia fat atrophy visual disturbance 15. The safest drug for an elderly patient who suffering from osteoarthritis and peptic ulcer disease : apirin as it the most established drug for this condition paracetamole in dose of 1 × 500 mg tablet PRN one of the newest agent of the NSAIDs as they are more potent paracetamole in dose of 2 × 500 mg tablet on regular basis indomethacin suppository to avoid gastric route 16. Itraconazole is : anti amebiasis anti fungal from imidazole group anti malarial all of the above 17. Ondasetron HCL is used for : hypertension prophylaxis of migraine headache angina pectoris emesis constipation 18. Malignant hypothermia ( a rare inherited muscle disorder ) a typical complication of : antihypertensive therapy frequent blood transfusion oral contraceptive use general anesthesia vaccination 19. When dispensing drug that cause allergic reaction such as penicillin and sulfonamide the pharmacist should : ask patient to avoid taking drug with food ask patient to avoid taking drug with milk ask patient if he allergic to drug ask patient to avoid certain dosage form of the drug none of the above 20. The best advice for the parent of a feverish child (41°C) is to suggest : take him to the hospital which is 30 minute drive , immediately wait for 2 hour and if temperature does not come down go to the hospital to give 1 gm paracetamole immediately to sponge him with tipped water and take him to the hospital to take Augmentin 500 mg + 500 mg paracetamole 21. All of these drugs can be used as prophylactic in asthma EXCEPT : ketotifen nedocromil sodium sodium cromoglycate Salbutamol None of the above 22. All of these drugs are non sedating anti histaminic EXCEPT : astemazole cetrizine terfenadine loratadine azatadine maleate 23. indication for therapeutics of B-blockers includes : essential hypertension thyrotoxicosis angina pectoris both a and b all of the above 24. All of these drugs are controlled drugs EXCEPT : epanutin rivotril stesolid diazepam none of them 25. Clonidine : is classified as α 2 adrenergic stimulant lower blood pressure by combination of bradycardia and reduced cardiac output may cause rebound hypertension when suddenly withdrawn both a & b all of the above 26. Fundamental control effects of morphine include : analgesia changes in mood mydriasis both a and b all of the above 27. Atropine routinely employed during general anesthesia in order to : sedate the patient prior to induction of anesthesia reduces salivary and respiratory tract secretion induces muscular relaxation through cholinergic receptor blockade both a and b all of the above 28. A father came to see you and told you that a child (who is 5 Kg ) swallowed 10 tablet of aspirin for children and asking for an antidote : you will suggest him to go to hospital immediately you will give him antiemetic you will ask him to see the child you will suggest to him to ignore the incident you will give him antidote 29. Which one of these drug is not used for epilepsy : clonazepam primidone phenytoin imipenem valproic acid 30. Which one of these drugs is not used for acute pain : naproxen codeine colichicine prednisolone indomehacin 31. Digoxine serum concentration are monitored ,since their elimination depend on : liver kidney skin both a and b all of the above 32. Which one of these drugs is NOT used for anxiety : lorazepam alprazolam propranolol benzotropine none of the above 33. Which one of these drugs is NOT macrolide antibiotic : Azithromycin Clindamycin Clarithromycin Erythromycin Telithromycin 34. The most common route of drug entry to the cell is : Uptake by special carriers Diffusion through the lipid phase Aqueous diffusion Transport by amino acid carrier Facilitated diffusion 35. A patient who presents a prescription for erythromycin 500 mg Q6H for 10 days and your pharmacy didn’t have it, which of the following you suggest as the best alternative to his physician : Clarithromycin Penicillin V Gentamycin Amoxicillin Streptomycin 36. Which of these drugs is NOT cough suppressant : Dextromethorphane Pholocodine Morphine Guaiphenesin Codeine 37. In storage of medicinal product : Generally a lower storage temperature decreases the rate of chemical and microbial degradation leading to increased shelf life Reducing the temperature to below 0°C may not extend the shelf life of creams because it causes cracking in creams Reducing the temperature to below 0°C may not extend the shelf life of insulin because it causes aggregation of insulin All of the above None of the above 38. A child who came with prescription for paracetamol ( whose weight is 12 Kg ) and dose ( 5 ml Q4H to Q6H PRN ) you are going to tell the doctor to tell him : The dose is too high as the daily dose is 5 mg / kg The dose is adequate but frequency should be Q6H only The dose is in adequate and no need to call the doctor The dose is adequate but frequency should be Q4H only The dose is small and a dose of a 180 mg is required 39. Which of these drugs should be avoided during pregnancy : Misoprostol Methylcellulose Cinnarizine Hyoscine Paracetamole 40. Which one of these drugs is NOT Beta agonist : salbutamol fenterol pindolol pirbuterol albuterol 41. Protein binding of a drug can lead to: Delayed urinary excretion of drugs Enhanced urinary excretion of drugs Decreased biological half life of drugs Both a and c None of the above 42. Nitrous oxide is widely used in anesthesia because it : Is non flammable and non explosive Provide rapid , smooth induction of anesthesia Is a potent muscle relaxant Both a and b All of the above 43. Disulfiram ( tetra ethyl thiuram sulfide ): Effective treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome Protect the liver against damage by alcohol Prevent oxidation to acetaldehyde to acetate All of the above None of the above 44. The duration of treatment of T.B is : 1 – 2 weeks 1 – 2 months 2 – 3 months 6 – 9 months 2 – 4 years 45. Which of these drugs is contraindicated during pregnancy : Sucralfate Chlorophiniramine Ethambutol Folic acid Ciprofloxacin 46. By definition first pass metabolism effect of drug is : Metabolism of drugs in gut wall during absorption Metabolism of drugs in the liver during the first liver passage Metabolism of drugs in gut wall and in the liver during the first liver passage All of the above None of the above 47. A patient presents to you prescription for KCL and enalapril , you are going to ask him : Which preparation of KCL want How much does he need of each medication Is he using another antihypertensive If he suffer from hypertension None of the above 48. Hemisuccinate are used as prodrug for drugs to be given IV administration because : The prodrug is more water soluble than parent drug and therefore will not precipitate in veins The prodrug is less water soluble than parent drug and therefore will not precipitate in veins Use of prodrug can avoid high initial dose of parent drug since prodrug is changed to parent drug after administration Both a and b Both a and c 49. What is the active ingredient of dolomol : Paracetamol which is an anti inflammatory drug An analgesic but not paracetamol Paracetamol which is an analgesic and anti inflammatory drug Paracetamol which has no an anti inflammatory but has an analgesic activity Antipyretic but not paracetamol 50. All of these are side effect of chloramphenicol EXCEPT : Irreversible a plastic anemia Optic neuritis Iron deficiency anemia Peripheral neuritis Gray baby syndrome 51. Vasopressin is used in the treatment of : Diabetes insipidus Type I Diabetes mellitus Type II Diabetes mellitus Peripheral neuritis Angina pectoris 52. According to ministry of health (MOH) regulation narcotic prescription can be dispensed by the pharmacist when : Having a clear patient name and identification number written clearly on the prescription Having the prescriber name , identification number written clearly on the prescription The prescription can be filled maximum of 3 days after it has been written Both a and c All of the above 53. In which of the following references you can find the answer if you asked by a patient to identify an orange tablet with a printed code of F12 : Martindale PDR SNF None of the above All of the above 54. The concentration of NaCL in dextrose 5% normal saline (D5W/NS) is : 1.8 % 0.9 % 0.45 % 0.225 % 3.6 % 55. What is the major complication of morphine over dose : AV block Respiratory depression Cardiac arrest Liver dysfunction Kidney dysfunction 56. Which one of the following statement is INCORRECT : A syrup is an aqueous solution that has sweet taste Sustained release tablets should be crushed before dissolving when given to a patient with dysphagia Elixir is a solution that contain alcohol as a diluents Regular tablet is a solid dosage form Emulsion is a mixture of oil and water by the use of surfactant 57. Intra osseous injection refers to injection into the : Bone marrow Superficial skin layer Muscle mass Pleural fluid Spinal cord 58. The trade name of cotrimoxazole is : Bactrim Ultracif Comazole Augmentin Salinal 59. The recommended dose of paracetamol for 10 Kg child is : 50 mg every 6 hours 150 – 300 mg four times daily 15 mls every 4 – 6 hour 100 – 150 mg every 4-6 hours 10 mg / 4 hour Hint 60. Which one of the following preparation can be used externally as otic waxes remover : Glycerine with 5 % sodium bicarbonate Dextrose with 5 % sodium bicarbonate Alcohol Normal saline Ringer solution with dextrose 61. The PH of acidic preparation : 7 More than 7 Less than 7 5.5 – 8.5 6 – 8 62. Eight fluid ounce : 240 ml 120 ml 60 ml 15 ml 30 ml 63. Which of the following drugs should not be mixed with normal saline for intravenous administration : Phenytoin Cefazolin Amphotricin B Insulin Zantac 64. How many gram of magnesium oxide are required to make 300 ml of 15% (W/V) solution : 15 30 45 60 75 65. How much sodium chloride is required to prepare 500 ml of 0.9% normal saline : 0.45 grams 4.5 milligrams 450 milligrams 4500 milligram 4.5 grams 66. Ondasetron Hcl is used for : Hypertension Angina pectoris Prophylaxis of migraine Anti emetic Anti epileptic 67. All of these is side effect of chloramphenicol except : Irreversible a plastic anemia Optic neuritis Peripheral neuritis Iron deficiency anemia Megaloplastic anemia 68. Ticlopidine is used for : Anticoagulant Antibiotic Anti platelet Anti cholinergic Anti depressant 69. All these drug are fibrinolytic except : Dipyridamole Streptokinase Urokinase Alteplase Non of the above 70. All these drugs cause anti metabolic effect except : Methotrexate Flurouracil Cytarbin Azothioprime Cyclophosphamide 71. All these drugs can be used for parkinsonism except : selegiline carbidopa levodopa Nedocromil sodium pergolide 72. All these cases not cure with thiazide except : Hypernatremia Hyperglycemia Hypokalemia Hyperuricemia Hyponatremia 73. Cardiac arrest could be management by the following except : : Ephedrine Ledocaine Propranolol Normal saline Hydrocortisone 74. Antidote of heparin is: Protamine sulphate Acetyl cystiene Vitamin K Naloxone None of the above 75. Antidote of warfarin is : Protamine sulphate Acetyl cystiene Vitamin K Naloxone None of the above 76. Antidote of paracetamol is : Protamine sulphate Acetyl cystine Vitamin K Naloxone None of the above 77. Antidote of morphine is : Protamine sulphate Acetyl cystiene Vitamin K Naloxone None of the above 78. Disease cause edema : Renal failure Congestive heart failure Hepatic disease Both a and b All of the above 79. Simvastatin : Anti hypertensive agent Hypolipdemic agent Anti hyperlipidemic Both b and c All of the above 80. Side effect of corticosteroid include : Water and sodium retention + hypertension Gastric ulcer + glaucoma Osteoporosis + DM + Cushing syndrome Both b and c All of the above 81. Biotransformation is conversion of the drug to : More lipid soluble Less lipid soluble No change of drug solubility Any of them None of them 82. Phenyl ephrine is used: Decongestant For runny nose Sympathomimetic All of the above None of the above 83. Oxytocin produces all of the following except : Progesterone release Labor induction Mammalian gland stimulation Both a and b Uterine stimulation 84. New & best therapy for peptic ulcer is : Antacid + H2 antagonist Use more than one H2 antagonist triple therapy including antibiotic double therapy including proton pump inhibitor none of the above 85. In case of arthritis & peptic ulcer Of elderly patient use : Aspirin Paracetamol Diclofenac Indomethacin Piroxicam 86. Give names of drugs the drug changes the color of urine : Nitrofurantoin Phenazopyridine Rifampicin Both a and c All of the above 87. Drug of choice of febrile convulsion in children: Valporic acid Phenytoin Gabapentin Carbamazepine Non of the above 88. Cyproteron (androcure )is used for : Increase sexual abilities in male Treat hairsiutism in female Treat prostate cancer Treatment acne All of the above 89. Immunocompetent means : Control resistant to infection Low resistant to infection Increase immunity in patient Gama Immunoglobin None of the above 90. Difference between captopril & other ACE inhibitor : Mode of action Site of action Potency Both a and b All of the above 91. Gluco corticoid used in : Bronchial asthma Addisons disease Suppression therapy Anti shock , anti stress All of the above 92. Cotrimoxazole contain Trimethoprime and Sulphamethoxazole as : 1:5 2:3 1:4 1:3 1:6 93. One of the following symptoms is not side effect of morphine : Constipation Diarrhea Vomiting Respiratory depression None of the above 94. One of the following is the drug of choice for myoxedema : Carbimazole Thyroxin sodium Iodine Propyl thiouracil Lugols solution 95. One of the following is the drug of choice for amoeba : Chloramphenicol Tetracycline Gentamycin Metronidazole Mebendazole 96. One of the following is given once daily : Amorphous insulin Natural insulin Protamine Zinc insulin Regular insulin All of the above 97. Ferrogard is : Ferrous gluconate Ferrous sulphate Ferrous citrate Ferrous fumarate Ferric sulphate 98. What does QOD stands for : Four times daily Every 4 hours Every other day Once daily Four time every other day 99. One of the following is not calcium channel blockers : Verapamil Amlodipine Diltiazem Cinnarizine Nifidepine Hint 100. Ondasetron Hcl is used for : Hypertension Angina pectoris Prophylaxis of migraine Anti emetic Anti epileptic Hint Be sure to click Submit Exam to see your results! Time's up