DEMO DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN SM EXAM Welcome to DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN EXAM STUDY MODE Study mode allow you to attend the question without any time limitation. If you want to know the correct answer please move your mouse point at the hint notification Please click on the Next Button to Start the Exam 1. Which of the following would be considered polymers that can be used to make synthetic membranes for dialyzers? Both B and C Polymethylmethacrylate Polysulfone Polysynthetilate Hint 2. The physician wants the ESRD (end-stage renal disease) patient to take calcium carbonate phosphate binders. Which of the following of these should the nurse have knowledge of? Citracal Amphojel None of the above Oscal 500 Hint 3. Which of the following would be considered the most correct description for pseudogout? All of the above Abnormally dense bone A bone with little or no metabolic activity, An acute inflammation of a single area or joint, lasting about 3 to 5 days or longer if not treated Hint 4. Of the following, which would be considered relatively rare in the dialysis patient? Hypernatremia Hypercalcemia Hypokalemia Hyperkalemia Hint 5. If a dialysis patient is experiencing fever and/or chills, which of the following interventions might be considered? Obtain blood cultures, inlet and outlet dialysate, and water cultures Both A and B None of the above Assess for any signs and symptoms of infection. Hint 6. Systemic lupus erythematosis would be best described as which of the following? It is predominant in women. n inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects the skin, joints, kidneys, and other organs It can cause renal disease. All of the above Hint 7. When assessing a new patient, which of the following might be considered the initial approach? All of the above History Physical examination Appropriate diagnostic tests Hint 8. Which of the following could be considered common renal complications of polycystic kidney disease? Nephrolithiasis All of the above Gross hematuria Hemorrhagic cysts Hint 9. Mannitol is considered to be which type of diuretic? None of the above Loop Potassium-sparing Osmotic Hint 10. All of the following would be considered potential signs or symptoms of impending thrombosis in an AVF except? Difficulty cannulating Absence of pulse (thrill) on palpation A decrease in arterial pressure. Red blood syndrome Hint 11. Which of the following statements should be considered correct about checking the air detector? Both B and C The air detector only has to be checked monthly. The air detector must be used during all treatments. The drip chamber or blood line is properly seated in the sensor before the treatment is started. Hint 12. With the hospitalized patient, which of the following could have the potential to reduce the oral absorption of medications? All of the above Intermittent nasogastric suctioning Edematous bowel wall Altered peristalsis Hint 13. Of the following, which would be considered a cause for hypertension during hemodialysis? Both A and B Fluid overload Anxiety Dry skin Hint 14. Which of the following should be monitored for bacterial growth and endotoxins? Water distribution piping system Dialysate All of the above Water storage tanks Hint 15. There have been many changes made in nephrology nursing since the 1960’s. Which of the following associations changed in 1983 to focus on the efforts and resources of the RN in field of nephrology? None of the above ASAIO ANNA AANNT Hint Be sure to click Submit Exam to see your results! Time's up Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.