RED DHA PRACTICE 1 STUDY MODE Welcome to RED DHA PRACTICE 1 STUDY MODE Study mode allow you to attend the question without any time limitation. If you want to know the correct answer please move your mouse point at the hint notification Please click on the Next Button to Start the Exam Name Business Email Phone Number 1. A patient admitted with a complaints of epigastric pain radiates to right scapula 2-4 hrs after taking fatty meals. Patient suspected with gallbladder inflammation. Which surgical intervention should the nurse expect? cricothoracotomy fenestration cholecystectomy appendectomy Hint 2. Patient admitted in hospital with complaints of increased thirst, diluted urine, with low specific gravity and orthostatic hypotension? diabetes mellitus polyuria diabetic ketoacidosis diabetic insipidus Hint 3. A patient with previous history of osteoarthritis, now admitted with complaints of large gangrene in the foot, with pus and lot of maggots. Amputation was done. After 12hours of surgery which position is advised? residual stump elevated stump supported with pillow and abduction foot end of bed elevated prone position Hint 4. After amputation tourniquet is applied for to reduce pain to relieve phantom limb sensation to control bleeding to improve venous return Hint 5. According to immunization schedule- US Control & Diesease Prevention, which vaccine is administered at 4 years? DTP IPV PCV rotavirus vaccine Hint 6. Patient is admitted with complaints of dyspnea and have oxygen therapy via nasal cannula with 2L. X-ray film shown below. Nurse should expect which disease condition? TB ARDS Pneumonia COPD Hint 7. You are working as a community health nurse, democratic communication is a method widely practiced in community settings, out of which, the democratic communication (D.C) is not appropriate? surveying and sampling provide vaccination helath education dealing emergency conditions Hint 8. A nurse educates a patient about use of incentive spirometry to prevent atelectasis after surgery. Nurse is performing what step of nursing process? planning diagnosis implementation evaluation Hint 9. A child admitted with shortness of breath, fatigue and use of accessory muscles for breathing. X-ray shows protrusion of sternum and ribs. Identify the abnormality. pectus carinatum pectus excavatum flial chest barrel chest Hint 10. Acid- base balance result PaCO2-54mmhg, PaO2-80mmhg, HCO3-24 , PH-7.37: identify the abnormality. Uncompensated metabolic acidosis compensated respiratory alkalosis uncompensated respiratory alkalosis compensated respiratory acidosis Hint 11. Side effect of chloramphenicol is blurred vision diarrhea constipation muscle pain Hint 12. Patient has complaints of arthritis, breathlessness, tachycardia, increased intestinal motility and metabolic alkalosis. ECG waves shows ST segment depression, inverted T wave and prominent U wave. Identify electrolyte imbalance. Hypokalemia Hypocalcemia Hypercalcemia Hyperphosphatemia Hint 13. Patient came to casuality with head injury. what type of care the client need to receive according to priority? supportive care rehabilitation care foster care emergency Hint 14. Which isolation is given to an infant with pneumonia? airborne droplet standard negative air/ positive air isolation Hint 15. Among these, identify the laxative food? cabbage, spinach, onion milk, wheat, dairyproducts egg, barley, oats cauliflower, rhubarb, collard green Hint 16. A patient admitted with cystic fibrosis and patient explains about the problems exist. The nurse must realize that this condition cause. sputum can be easily expectorate mucus secretions are too thick so cannot able to expel abdominal discomfort increased intake of fluids Hint 17. Incubation period of hepatitis A? 3-5 weeks 1-2 days 50-180 days 240-360 days Hint 18. Patient admitted with BP- 100/70, 120/68, 110/74 has normal BP prehypertension stage -1hypertension hypertensive crisis Hint 19. position before cardiac surgery? dorsal recumbent position tredelenberg position lithotomy supine position Hint 20. A 2 year old child admitted in ER, mother told child has frequent vomiting on examination, palpable olive shaped mass present. Nurse expects the diagnosis as : pyloric stenosis intusussception GERD Peptic ulcer Hint 21. A 51 year old patient is admitted in hospital for abdominal surgery. Which medication should withhold 2weeks before surgery? antidysarrthmias antihypertensives anticonvulsantys antiplatelets Hint 22. An assigned staff got needle stick injury. Patient said, “I don’t have HIV infection. So don’t worry sister”. What should the nurse has to do? check immediately and repeat after 6mnths don’t care about needle stick injury inform physician incident form documentation Hint 23. After abdominal surgery, splinting should be done on which site? Mid sternal area Chest Abdominal area Liver Hint You are only allowed 1 try and have already submitted your quiz. Time's up