PROMETRIC DENTIST SM EXAM 5 Welcome to DENTIST EXAM STUDY MODE Study mode allow you to attend the question without any time limitation. If you want to know the correct answer please move your mouse point at the hint notification Please click on the Next Button to Start the Exam Name Business Email Phone Number Patient feel sever pain upper mouth pain is radiated to eay and ear ,after you check no caries when you pressure on maxilry premolar he feel pain. In xray no change what dignosis? Acute apical periodontits dentoalveolar infection maxilary sinusitis canine space infection Hint Mandible is the 1st bone calcified in skull but clavicle start first but in same embryological time: True False Hint Most common site of oral squamous cell carcinoma: Postero-lateral border of tongue. Skin Lip Floor of the mouth. Buccal mucosa. Hint The normal response of a vital pulp to the electric pulp testing is: No response. In a range similar to that of the control teeth. Higher than that of the control teeth. Lower than that of the control teeth. Hint The process of positioning or arranging teeth on the denture base is termed: Casting Flasking Investing Setting up Hint During endo pt is complaining of pain with percussion what u suspect? apical periodontitis over medication secondery apical periodontitis. over instrumentation. Hint The type of maxillofacial defects: Congenital defects. Developmental defects. Acquired defects All Hint 8 years old pt. Had trauma to 8 presented after 30 minute of injury He had crown fracture with incipient pulp exposure what u do: Direct pulp capping. Observe Pulpotomy Pulpctomy Hint Buccal branch of facial is: Sensory Motor Mixed Hint The goal of making the peripheries of the custom tray under extended to all bordered clearance from the frenum areas: To give enough space for the used impression materials to allow border molding the tray. To give enough space for the die spacer. To give enough space for the cementation materials. None Hint You extract tooth with large amalgam restoration, how to manage the extracted tooth: Autoclave and deep buried. Office container Sharp container. Ordinary waste container Hint A glossy finish is best retained on a: Microfilled composite resin restoration. Fiber reinforced composite resin restoration Macrofilled resin restoration Hybrid composite resin restoration. Hint 20 years old male PT came with severe pain on chewing related to lower molars. Intraoral examination reveals no caries, good oral hygiene, no change in radiograph. PT give history of bridge cementation 3 days ago. Diagnosis: Pulp necrosis. Acute apical periodontitis. Chronic apical abscess. None of the above. Hint Teenager boy with occlusal wear the best ttt is : remove the occlusal teeth capping restoration Hint What is the benefit of rinsing the mouth with water: Plaque removal calculus removal washing the food debris. Hint Upon opening an incision in a periapical abscess in a lower 1st molar, you open : The most bottom of the abscess The most necrotic part of the abscess. Extra oral Hint Broken instrument during RCT, best prognosis if broken at: Apical 1/3. Middle 2/3. Cervical 3/3. Hint Hypercementosis : Assoc. With paget disease Easily extracted with elevator Difficult extraction Bulbous roots A, B &C Hint Contraindication for endo treatment EXCEPT: non strategic tooth tooth with large periapical lesion non restorable teeth vertical fracture teeth Hint Hydrogen peroxide is the ideal bleaching agent because: It bleaches effectively at natural ph. It bleaches faster than carbamide peroxide. Protection for sensitive tissues can be incorporated into the hydrogen gel. All of the above. Hint Crown and root perforation: respond to MTA root canal filling use matrix with hydroxyapatite and seal with G I 1&2. Hint When extracting all max teeth the correct order is: 87654321 87542163. 12345678 Hint If the maxillary first molar is found to have four, the fourth canal is likely found: In the disto-buccal root. In the mesio-buccal root. In the palatal root. None of the above. Hint The primary source of retention of porcelain veneer: mechanical retention from under cut micromechanical bond from etching of enamel and porcelain mechanical retention from secondary retentive features chemical bond by saline coupling agent Hint When polishing amalgam rest : Avoid heat generation by using wet polishing paste Wait for 24 hours A & b. Hint When the mandible moves to the working side, the opposite side cusp to cusp contacts in order to balance stresses of mastication. This relation is called: Working relation. Balancing relation. Occlusal relation. None Hint When does child should be first exposed for using tooth brush : As eruption of first tooth Primary school year One year old Two years old Hint Suture commonly used in oral cavity: Black silk. Catgut Chromic Hint The radiograph shows condylar head orientation and facial symmetry : Submentovertex Transorbital Reverse town Opg Hint Atropine : Dries secretion such saliva. depresses the pulse rate. cause central nervous system depression. Hint Buccal branch of trigeminal is: Sensory Sensory and motor Motor Psychomotor Hint An anterior fixed partial denture is contraindicated when : Abutment teeth are not carious Crown of the abutment teeth are extremely long owing to gingival recession An abutment tooth is inclined 15 degrees but otherwise sound There is considerable resorption of the residual ridges Hint The body secret antibody against antigen using which cells: T lymphocyte B lymphocyte Hint Abrasion of enamel and root surfaces may result from the long term use of: A hard toothbrush. Tooth abrasive toothpaste or powder. Vigorous use of the toothbrush. A and B only A, B and C Hint The choice of local anesthesia depend on: Diameter of the nerve Type of L.A agent chemistry. Structure of the bone Number of branches Hint The term acanthosis refers to: A decreased production of keratin. An increased production of keratin. An increased thickness of the prickle cell zone None of the above. Hint The main link between the pulp and the the periodontium is: Apical foramen PDL Dentinal tubules Accessory can Hint Glenoid fossa is found in: orbital cavity temporal bone nasal cavity middle cranial fossa Hint The following medical conditions may precipitate a syncope: Hypoglycemia Mild hyperglycemia. Antidepressant therapy. All of the above. Anti hypertensive drugs with ganglionic blocking agent. Hint Primary malignant melanoma of the oral mucosa: Always originates within the surface epithelium. Always originates from Langerhans cells within epithelium. Mostly originates within the surface epithelium. Always originates from nevus cells in the connective tissue. Hint Pontic design of an FPD: Same size buccolingually of the missing tooth Smaller than missing buccolingually. Wider buccolingually None of the above Hint Radiographic radioulucency in the interradicular area: Invasion of furcation. Periodontal abcess. Periodontal cyst. Hint 3rd generation of apexo locator: Use with all pt Decrease radiographic film need. Need more research Ncrease chair time Hint Pulpal pain may not be referred from: The right maxilla to the left maxilla. A max cuspid to ear An incompletely fractured tooth. The third molar to the ear. A max molar to the sinus. Hint The easiest endo retreatment in: Over obturation w GP. Obturated w silver cone. Under obturation w GP. Weeping canals. Hint 7 y/o boy came to the clinic in the right maxillary central incisor with large pulp exposure: pulpectomy with Ca(OH)2 leave it pulptomy with Ca(OH)2. Direct pulp capping Hint Patient have a complete denture come to your clinic he complain of gagging he wear the denture for 5 years he feel the gagging in the first few days and it disappear what is the cause: Extend of the upper denture. The patient has sensitivity to gagging Hint After final inlay cementation and before complete setting of cement we should: remove occlusal interferences burnishing of peripheries of restoration for more adaptation. lowering occlusal surface Hint Small caries confined to enamel: Preventive measure. Amalgam feeling. Keep under observation. Hint Skeletal Bone of skull develop from : Neurocranium ossification Intramembranous ossification Endochondral ossification. Hint 32 years old patient came to your dental office, suffering from a bad odour and taste from His mouth. By examination patient has an anterior mandibular 3 unit bridge that bubbles upon Applying water spray and slight pressure. Cause: broken abutment. d impaction underneath the pontic. separation between the abutment and the retainer Hint Knife ridge should be tx with: relining soft material wide occ. Table maximum coverage of flange. all Hint The roof of mandibular fossa consist of: Thin compact bone. Spongy bone. Cancellous Hint The most common type of malignant bone tumor of the jaws is: Osteochondrosarcoma Chondrosarcoma Osteosarcoma Leiomyosarcoma Hint In hairy tongue, which taste buds increase in Length: Fili form. Circumvallates Fungi form Foliate Hint The one who is supposed to give the correct design of the removable partial denture: Prosthodontist Assistant Technician None Hint During maxillary 3rd molar extraction the tuberosity fractured. It was firmly attached to the tooth and cannot be separated. What is the management: Remove it with the tooth. Splint the tooth to the 2nd molar then re-extracted after 6 weeks Suture Hint Optic nerve coming from which bone: sphenoid bone zygomatic palatal Hint The imaging showing disk position and morphology and TMJ bone: MRI Plain tomography Plain radiograph CT ARTHROGRAPHY Hint Ranula Can be treated by: Excision Marsupialization Cauterization Incision Hint Isolation period of chickenbox should be: after appear of rach by week untill vesicle become crusted. until carter stage is last Hint The following cavity bases are moisture sensitive: Polycarboxylate Zinc phosphate GI cem. A, c. Hint Oral lesions of lichen planus usually appear as: White striae Builae Papillary projections. Red plaque. Shallow ulcers. Hint What is the first sign if there is fracture in the face in x-ray? Fluid paranasal. Suture. Overlap of bone. All the above. Hint In maxillary 1st molar 4th canal is found in: MB canal DB canal. Palatal root. Hint Kennedy divided all partial edentulous arches: Tow main types. Five main types. Three main types. Four main types. Hint Patient came to your clinic with severe pain, on x-ray the right side of the mandible has a radiolucency with a radiopaque border that resembles the sunshine rays. Your diagnosis is : ossifying fibroma osteosarcoma acute osteomyelitis Hint Which one of the following is least likely to contribute to oral bad breath: Periodontal disease. Carious lesions. Denture Faulty restoration Hint Burning mouth syndrome is a chronic disorder typically characterized by each of the following EXCEPT: Mucosal lesion Persistent altered taste perception. Burning pain in multiple oral sites Pain similar in intensity to toothache pain Hint Receiving the impression after removal from the mouth directly: It must be disinfected immediately. It must be left for minutes. It must be poured immediately. It must be mounted immediately. Hint A temporary form representing the base of a denture which is used for making maxillomanibular (jaw) relative record for arranging teeth or for trail insertion in the mouth is: Bite rims Base plate Custom tray Set up Hint Unilateral swelling + slowly progressing Lesion on the Left side of the mandible. This could be: Osteoma Osteo sarcom. Cementoblastoma. Ossifying Fibroma Hint The Common disease affecting the submandibular salivary gland is: Salivary calculi Infected sialoadenitis. Viral sialoadenitis. Hint Sealer is used in RCT to: Fill in voids Increase strength of RC filling. Disinfect the canal. Hint Soft palate falls abruptly facilitate recording post dam, falls gradually make recording post dam difficult : two statement true first false, second true two false first true, second false Hint Over erupted upper right 1st molar will be managed by: EXCEPT: Intruded easily orthodontically Crowing Adjustment of occlusion Hint Selection of shade for composite is done: Under light. After drying tooth & isolation with rubber dam. None of the above Hint Radiographic examination in impacted teeth is useful to demonstrate: Proximity of the roots to the adjacent anatomical structures. Associated pathology. All of the above Hint What is the best media for keep avulsion tooth: In water same temperature of room. In cold milk. In milk same temperature of room. In cold water. Hint Pt with denture has swallowing problem and sore throat. The problem is: Posterior over extension at distal palatal end Over extension of lingual Over extension of hamular notch Hint Polysulfide impression material: Should be poured within 1 hour. Can be poured after 24 hours. Can be poured 6-8 hours. Hint After amalgam titrations, the mix should be placed within: 1 min. 10 min 3 min 5 min Hint The base plate could bee made by: Acrylic plate. Ceramic plate. Wax plate. A and c. Hint Many parts of bones are originally cartilaginous that replaced by bone: True False Hint The scientific evidence in dictating that oral Lichen planus is a "premalignant Lesion" : Very strong Weak Non-existent Moderately strong Hint Child with traumatized lip, no tooth mobility, what will you do first: Radiograph to check if there is foreign body. Refer to the physician for sensitivity test. Hint Child with cleft palate and cleft lip with anodontia due to: Van der woude syndrome. Treacher Collins syndrome. Paget disease. Hint Which tooth of the mandibular anterior teeth that touch the lingual surface of the maxillary anterior teeth in normal centric relation? Central incisor. Cuspid Lateral incisor None Hint Dentine permeability increases : Coronal less than root dentine. Permeability increase toward DEJ. Permeability increase toward bcj. Hint Upper teeth palatal mucosa supplied by: Nasopalatine Post superior alveolar nerve Anterior palatine Both Hint The most prevalent primary molar relationship : flush terminal plane. mesial step terminal plane Hint The x ray show scattered radiopaque line in the mandible jaw, the diagnosis will be: Paget disease. Osteosarcoma Garres syndrome Fibrous dysplasia Hint We Vaseline the inner surface of the flasks all rounds: To help in the packing procedure. To separate the models (casts) safety A and B. None Hint Pt on long term antibiotic came with systemic Candida: amphotrecin fluconazol nystatin Hint GIC compared to composite: Increase linear coefficient of Thermal Expansion Polymerization shrinkage Stiff More wear resistant Less soluble Hint Action of Histamine: Vasodilatation Permeability Broncho Chemokinesis ALL OF THE ABOVE Hint Patient had anaphylactic shock due to penicillin injection , what's the most important in the emergency treatment to do: 200 mg hydrocortisone intravenous 0.5 mg epinephrine of 1/10000 intra venous adrenaline of 1/1000 intra muscular Hint A Pt with severe periradicular pain has a necrotic pulp, a broken lamina dura, and circumscribed radiolucency of long duration. The periradicular diagnosis: Acute apical periodontitis. Abscess Chronic apical periodontitis. Acute exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis Hint Type I diabetes mellitus can be characterized as: Non-insulin-dependent. Accompanied by normal cell activity. Adult- onset. Ketosis-prone. Hint Fracture before 1 year of upper central incisor reach the pulp in 8 year old child. How will you manage this case : RCT Indirect pulp capping Apexification Direct pulp capping Hint Be sure to click Submit Exam to see your results! Time's up Submit a Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.