If you think you can certainly you can.
Let me first say I love English. Thanks to my mentor and one of my close friends they created an interest in me to learn English. Love English and read voraciously you will get a 7 band in writing IELTS.
Many people think to get a 7 band in writing is a herculean task. some may speak fluently but they are poor in writing because there are other sub-skills to be learned for writing. IELTS is a global exam so please does not write the essay with a national and local perspective. Your writing task takes 60 minutes. Plan your essay before going to write. Read the question at least 3 times so that you can make sure that you are not diverting from the topic. Use the background information that is given in the question it helps you to write and organize your essay.

Before writing an essay
• Make an essay plan and write your points in the question paper.
• Prioritize your ideas carefully and find out the synonyms because repetition of words show that you are
poor in vocabulary
• Please do not cheat the examiner by writing the same sentence and ideas again and again.
• An essay should introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion.

• First write a thesis. An idea to the examiner how you are going to respond to the essay.
• You should discuss the relevance of the question in the present scenario.
Body paragraph
• In the first body paragraph you should include a topic sentence.
• Then your views and ideas to support the points.
• Include examples. You can include your first body paragraphs as you like but one paragraph should contain
one idea.
• Finally you should conclude your first body paragraph with a concluding sentence
Second body paragraph
• Discuss another idea, supporting views and examples.
• You can include as much as body paragraphs as you like but one paragraph should discuss one idea.
• Conclude all the points you discussed in the body paragraphs
• Do not include any new points while you conclude the essay.
• Then when you stop your conclusion always give a hope or message.
Other tips
• When you practice your essays practice with pen. If you write your exam with pen it creates a strong
impression in the examiner. it proves that you are confident enough.
• Before writing the essay you should read the question at least 3 times to make sure that you understood
the topic and task thoroughly.
• Use the background information which is given in the question.
• You can include proverbs, phrases to make your essay cute enough.
Best of luck in the exam.